Thursday, October 15, 2009


Got the news early in the morning today. Around 4am plus plus.
I was taken aback for a while reason being we just met her before raya at someone's wedding in Subang. Raya tahun ni pun tak sempat jalan raya ke rumah Tok Nah di Kelana Jaya.

It's her daughter, Aunty Ain to me and hubby. She's related to hubby's side from JB. Her husband used to be hubby's fren back in Taman Perbadanan Islam JB. Then he got married to Aunty Ain pulak. What a small world!

Arwah meninggal kerana komplikasi jantung. According to the husband, Wan Zatu, she acted so weird this week. Tak banyak cakap and banyak benda she didn't tell her husband. The saddest part was she passed away after her husband's birthday. Zatu kata, "Dia bertahan 55 minit selepas tengah malam...selepas birthday aku," 14th October was the birthday. She passed away on the 15th. Damai Medical Centre refused to entertain her in the wee hours in the morning. The doctor on call asked her husband to send arwah to GH. She didn't survived even though CPR was given earlier at home.

First time today i went to kubur mengiringi jenazah. Didn't do that to arwah atuk Melaka and KL, and also arwah maklong. First time dengar talkin. Sungguh mencucuk kalbu. Tersedar dari mimpi yang hidup ini jangan disia-siakan.

p/s: damai betul rasa di tanah perkuburan tadi mendengar talkin.


Obefiend Weiland said...

score one for our medical professionals

al fatihah

Syigim said...

kak wawa, mmg after iring jenazah smpai kubur, and stayin for the talkin, you'd never look at tanah perkuburan the same way again.

tiap2 kali lalu,msti nk bagi salam. knowing somehow my mom is among them! rasa tenang n insaf, yes!
